On April 23, the BLM and Salmon Valley Stewardship are hosting a Disco Hill Work Day as part of the Salmon Earth Day events We are asking for volunteers to meet at 10am at the Disco Trailhead.
There are many trail projects. Some of us will be picking up trash along the roads. Some will be installing the last of the trailmarkers and their stickers. Some will be doing some trailwork on the loops. Members of the MX community will be participating as well cleaning up the Sacagawea MX Park.
There will be a BBQ back at the trailhead at 2pm. So bring some gloves, bring your bike or your truck, and your appetite. We hope to see you there!
If you have questions please post here or call 756-5431.
WOOT!!! Trail Markers!!
Green is the Owl Canyon Loop.
Blue is the Slump Gulch Loop.
Orange is the Enduro Loop.
The numbered icons on the map below will eventually correspond to numbered Trailposts along the loops.
View Discovery Hill Loops in a larger map