Sunday, May 25, 2014

Wagonhammer Trail Days

The Salmon ID MTB Assoc's 1st attempt at working on Wagonhammer was snowed out.  When we got word that the Back Country Horsemen were doing trail work in Wagonhammer, we rallied to meet up with them.  The North Fork USFS Ranger came out to meet us and some Youth Employment folks brought the trail tool trailer.

So after shaking some hands, swapping some stories, making some plans, and just sharing trail love; we all rode out to get to work. The Horsemen went up high to Silverleads Connector to clear deadfall while we focused on tread repair on the lower end of Elk Loop below Meadow Surfer. This trail is aka Lewis and Clark Trail, we worked on the steep section that drops down to Wagonhammer Creek from the east.

We did not finish the tread repair on Saturday and came back on Sunday.  While we were up there the 2nd day, we saw several groups of riders from Hailey and the Bitterroot.

While this descent was pretty fun before, it was rather harrowing.  We traded the harrow for sweet with a little sweat!

The next SIMBA Trailday is June 14 tentatively on Butcherknife/Ax Park.

Heading up the steep climb. Photo: C. Swenson.
Our treadwork from Saturday. Just below Meadow Surfer.
Finished Sunday, time to test ride
Before photo of the middle section.  Blom is perplexed.
After photo of the middle section.

Chris test riding the middle section.
Brian test riding the lower section.

New propaganda on the Wagonhammer Trailhead sign board.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Foxwear Sale

Salmon clothier Foxwear is having a sale,

The Spring is Around the Corner Sale

Give Lou a call: 877 756 3699

$95 gets you a custom Neoshell Jacket.  Neoshell kicks ass.

Check the colors